Orgtel Finance

Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

  • Orgtel Finance
  • Amsterdam, Noord-Holland

Orgtel Finance are a successful, specialist Consultancy in the finance profession, particularly in the areas of, IT Development, Infrastructure, Business Intelligence , Business Analyses, Executive Management, Quantitative Analysis Risk Management. We have a history of delivering candidates within this remit to leading banks and financial institutions globally.

Speciality Business Analysts , Information Analysts and Project Management

Business Analysts
Information Analysts
Project management

Orgtel Finance | Business Analyses | Project management
Falckstraat 15-29, 1017 VV, Amsterdam | Tel: (+31) 20 535 2999 | Fax: (+31) 20 535 2928
Find the best solutions with Orgtel, an award-winning consultancy
* Awards for excellence in executive search and selection
* Best Place to Work 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 2008


Orgtel Finance
1017VV Amsterdam Noord-Holland NL