Ascari s.r.o.

Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

  • Ascari s.r.o.
  • Diemen, Noord-Holland

We are a young, flexible Czech company that was established in 2008. We have been working in a stable and intensive manner since September 2009, and today we employ and care for almost 1,800 agency employees daily. Our numbers are evidenced by our numbers: over 6 years, we have employed more than 5,000 agency employees. We operate in light and heavy industry, transport and services. We are among the top 7 job agencies in the Czech Republic.

We are able to flexibly respond to client requirements during seasonal fluctuations or production boom. In addition to regional offices, we can also easily open a branch to suit your needs as well as in-house manufacturing facilities.


Ascari s.r.o.
1111AA Diemen Noord-Holland NL