TIE Kinetix

Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

TIE Kinetix
  • TIE Kinetix
  • Hoofddorp, Noord-Holland

TIE is a listed company with offices in The Netherlands, France, Australia, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the United States. The company has more than two decades of experience in developing and selling innovative web centric, software based solutions. We enable all trading partners in the supply chain to work seamlessly together on the major E-commerce processes, by means of the Total Integrated E-commerce concept. The concept embraces three innovative platforms for Business Integration, Content Syndication and E-commerce.


TIE Kinetix https://cdn.ictergezocht.nl/logo_groot/tie_kinetixtagline_rgb.jpg https://cdn.ictergezocht.nl/logo_groot/tie_kinetixtagline_rgb.jpg
2132JE Hoofddorp Noord-Holland NL