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  • IICD
  • Den Haag, Zuid-Holland

IICD is a non-profit foundation that specialises in information and communication technology (ICT) as a tool for development.

IICD is active in Africa and Latin America where we bring about technical and social innovations that create and enhance development opportunities in education, governance, economic development, health and the environment.

For maximum impact we work closely with partners from the public, private and non-profit sectors.

Our aim is to help our local partners teachers, farmers, health workers, local government officials and civil servants - to formulate and implement their own ICT-supported development policies and programmes.


IICD https://cdn.ictergezocht.nl/logo_groot/logo_iicd_colour_jpg.jpg https://cdn.ictergezocht.nl/logo_groot/logo_iicd_colour_jpg.jpg
2596HL Den Haag Zuid-Holland NL