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  • Klopotek
  • Amsterdam, Noord-Holland

Klopotek is the international market leader in the area of publishing software. We offer
publishing solutions for Title Management, Editorial, and Production, as well as Contracts, Rights and Royalties, O2C, and CRM with our cloud-based STREAM web apps.
It is our mission to help publishers and media companies to embrace digital change by providing innovative software and services. Our publishing software and consulting services are an essential element in the publishing market to drive change. Large company groups, but also creative independent publishers, are representative of our customer base. Over 400 publishers chose Klopotek as their software provider.


Klopotek https://cdn.ictergezocht.nl/logo_groot/825cee3c78347ddc967a1de055e1b244f53c98a587b845a6.jpg https://cdn.ictergezocht.nl/logo_groot/825cee3c78347ddc967a1de055e1b244f53c98a587b845a6.jpg
1018MR Amsterdam Noord-Holland NL