Levy Professionals

Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

  • Levy Professionals
  • Amsterdam, Noord-Holland

Over the last 20 years, more than ever, the word international got a new meaning and our business fits right in. We not only source highly skilled professionals from all over the world to national, international and multinational clients, doing so our team also comes from different parts of the world. We strive to create a company that is as diverse and multicultural as possible and an internal representation of our international presence with our clients in the field: in our office, over 5 languages are spoken and 8 nationalities are seated. We make an active effort to help people feel at home by assigning a personal relocation officer, an internal point of contact that speaks your language, assist in finding a home, schooling, social life tips and take care of all legal and financial paper work. Everything to give you the experience of a smooth transition. Curious if you could have this experience as well? Click below to check our vacancies!


Levy Professionals
1101BE Amsterdam Noord-Holland NL