Wattkraft GmbH & Co. KG

Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

  • Wattkraft GmbH & Co. KG
  • Utrecht, Utrecht

Wattkraft is the principal Distributor and System Integrator for Huawei inverters in the European market, distributing 4GW Huawei Inverters since 2015. Its considerable international network provides the flexibility to adapt and change to an increasingly demanding market landscape. Wattkraft served for Huawei mainly the wholesaler network and Commercial Project Business in Germany, Benelux, South Europe and India.

- Multi-lingual staff (German, English, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, French, Arabic)
- 50MW Storage Capacity
- First and Second Level Service Support
- Onsite field service
- Service for commissioning
- Remote Service Trouble Shooting


Wattkraft GmbH & Co. KG
3552EZ Utrecht Utrecht NL