Dutch Flower Group

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Dutch Flower Group
  • Dutch Flower Group
  • De Kwakel, Noord-Holland

Dutch Flower Group is a unique family company that specializes in the international trade of fresh cutflowers, mixed bouquets, plants and decorative greens. With over 30 individually managed companies, we supply all distribution channels, from importing wholesalers (who supply florists) to the multiple retail sector (including supermarket chains, DIY centers, garden centers and petrol stations).

With our mission Making Life Colourful​ we work hard to offer our customers top quality cut flowers, mixed bouquets and/or plants. Every day. Each of our family members has its own customer focus and approach.


Dutch Flower Group https://cdn.ictergezocht.nl/logo_groot/42670b1eaad2784d9c87ab7f68452a5354c5002e371b66b1.gif https://cdn.ictergezocht.nl/logo_groot/42670b1eaad2784d9c87ab7f68452a5354c5002e371b66b1.gif
1424LA De Kwakel Noord-Holland NL