Lucas Smits

Contact, telefoonnummer, adres & vestigingen.

  • Lucas Smits
  • Amsterdam, Noord-Holland

Collect is a technology-based trading company, founded by an experienced team of high-frequency traders, software developers and entrepreneurs from the tech industry.

We believe the digital assets market has the potential to significantly transform the global financial markets, through the blockchains ability to tokenize and decentralize the trading of any asset anywhere any time.

Our mission is to contribute to the adoption and efficiency of the digital assets market by providing 24/7 on-screen liquidity and enhancing global price discovery, using our dynamic arbitrage models and autonomous proprietary trading software.

To do that our strategy is to build a leading trading firm that is technology-driven and has an inclusive remote workplace. The founding team is based in Amsterdam but we hire remote talent as we seek global timezone coverage, in order to trade digital assets around-the-clock.


Lucas Smits
1071HN Amsterdam Noord-Holland NL