Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories

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Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories
  • Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories
  • Leiden, Zuid-Holland

Dr.Reddys Laboratories is an integrated pharmaceutical company, committed to providing affordable and innovative medicines for healthier lives. Our purpose is to accelerate access to affordable medicines because we believe Good Health Cant Wait.

Dr.Reddys in Leiden is specialized in the development of generic complex injectables by empowering its people with technology, resources and freedom to innovate. Striving to be the global benchmark for excellence in science, we are driven by making good health accessible to all.


Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories https://cdn.ictergezocht.nl/logo_groot/8efdc1ef8ae3050724438a75944f71c6c1a817cf5206fff5.png https://cdn.ictergezocht.nl/logo_groot/8efdc1ef8ae3050724438a75944f71c6c1a817cf5206fff5.png
2333CL Leiden Zuid-Holland NL