Jaunt VR

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Jaunt VR
  • Jaunt VR
  • Amsterdam, Noord-Holland

Jaunt - /jnt/ - noun - a short journey, especially one taken for pleasure


The idea for Jaunt originated in early 2013 when one of our founders returned from an amazing experience at Zion National Park. What if he could go back there for a brief jaunt, at any time, from any place? The emerging consumer VR industry provides the mechanism to travel to virtual worlds. We aim to put realism back into the virtual reality experience, lending an uncanny sense of presence never before possible with any other technology.

Our Team

We are building an outstanding team of scientists, engineers, and broadcast professionals. Current members hail from Stanford University, Caltech, Java, Apple, Intel, Lucasfilm, Zynga, Condé Nast, News Corp, Nickelodeon, and Netflix.

Jaunt has a global presence, with Jaunt HQ in Palo Alto, Jaunt Studios in Los Angeles, EMEA Business Offices in London, European Engineering and Development Hub in Amsterdam, and Jaunt China based in Shanghai.


Jaunt VR https://cdn.ictergezocht.nl/logo_groot/a57992e008937f175926c5745724a5cc_jaunt_logo_rgb_white_1jpg.jpg https://cdn.ictergezocht.nl/logo_groot/a57992e008937f175926c5745724a5cc_jaunt_logo_rgb_white_1jpg.jpg
1018JA Amsterdam Noord-Holland NL